Interview Statistics

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Dive into our data to explore key findings and expanded statistics from our archive of 341 morning routines (56% female, 44% male). This page updates every week, so whether you’re looking for the perfect time to wake up, or you just want to know if your breakfast choices land you in good company, check back often.

  • 07:29h
    Sleep avg.
  • 06:24am
    Wake-up avg.
  • 10:56pm
    Bedtime avg.
  • 35%
    Snooze their alarm

Wake-up / bedtime

The average wake-up time of our participants is 06:24am, while the average bedtime is 10:56pm. The early birds we interviewed start their day as early as 03:00am, while some of the late risers sleep in until past 9:00. By 08:30, 97% of our participants are up.

  • 73%
    Use an alarm
  • 62%
    Meditate or practice yoga
  • 79%
  • 68%
    Sleep in on weekends
  • Time asleep

    38% of our participants sleep 8 hours a night, followed by 33% who sleep 7 hours, and 16% who sleep just 6.

  • Routine longevity

    65% of our participants have followed their morning routine for over a year, whereas 6% have been at it for less than 3 months.

  • 50%
    Check email immediately
  • 63%
    Check phone immediately
  • 56%
    Can follow routine anywhere
  • 37%
    Same routine on weekends
  • First drink

    59% of our participants drink water first thing in the morning, but coffee (28%) and tea (8%) are also popular choices.

  • Favorite breakfast foods

    Over half (57%) of the people we interviewed have fruit for breakfast, but eggs, oatmeal, and bread are also firm favorites.